

Jen Heller

Born and raised in Dixon, Illinois that is where you will find Jen still today.  A few years back,  Jen left the social services field to better her health.  After fighting health issues after her 2 brain surgeries, Jen was then faced with cancer.  
Jen decided she needed to have an epic comeback and that is when she took up ultra running and found her passion there.  After years of being a road runner, she knew this is where she belonged and she now seeks ways to help others in their journey in ultra running.
Jen obtained her Ultrarunning Coaching Certification, early of 2021 and became a life coach late of 2021.  She may have left the social services field, but that passion to help others will never go away.
After a year of talking about wanting to do a podcast about running in Midwest, here we are.

Andrea Summers

Wife and momma to five babes. Currently resides in rural Dixon, Illinois. She changed gears over the years with what life threw at her, starting married life as an RN who switched gears to an influencer and now full time homeschool, stay at home mom.

Andrea has always been into fitness, but running became more of a love about ten years ago. With some nudges, got into ultra running in 2017, recently finishing her first 100miler. A natural born nurturer helping others comes naturally; pacing and crewing friends and family are about as great to her as running her own races. You’ll find her beaming with enthusiasm about overall health and fitness to better herself, family and friends. Any given day you’ll find her looking for an outdoor adventure with her tribe, and striving daily to be the best-version of herself. 

Getting to know other amazing athletes stories and all that comes with it. Let the next adventure in life begin.